Xodja Orif Ar-Revgariy

Bukhara is the birthplace of the seven great Sufis of the Nakshbandi order. The great representatives of Sufism lived here, led religious and social life, which contributed to the formation and prosperity of the fertile Bukhara, to the education of spirituality, raising the emotional spirit. The Muslim sanctuaries, the burial places of Sufi saints can be found here.

The mausoleum of Khaji Mukhammad Arif al-Rivgari is the burial place of Murshid Khaji Mukhammad Arif Rivgari. He was born in the village of Revgar in the middle of the XII century. He was a disciple of the great Murshid Abdulkhalik Gijduvani. 

After the death of the great teacher, he received permission to be a spiritual mentor for others. For the rest of his life, he led his religious activities. He liked to pray Zikr aloud. There is a legend that Khaji Arif lived for 150 years. He was buried in the village of Shafirkan in the Bukhara region.


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