Said Amir Kulal

Mausoleum Said Amir al Kulol is located in the village Suhor. The building is a mosque, mausoleum and flower garden. “Kulol” means “Potter” as he was an expert at this craft.

Sayyid Amir Kulal was a spiritual authority and had more than a hundred followers, including Bakhautdin Mukhammad Nakshbandi. He acquainted Nakshbandi with the basics of Sufism and the traditions of the mystical way of Khajagan, as well as with the correct reading of Zikr.

It is believed that the teacher was acquainted with the great disciple by Sheikh Khaja Sammasi, who already understood that he entrusted the most valuable and expensive spiritual son. Sayyid Amir Kulal was buried in 1370 in his native village of Sukhar.


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