Xodja Mahmud Anzhir Faghnaviy

Bukhara is the city where many thinkers, scientists, theologians, and poets lived. One of them is Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna). He is the author of many interesting works in the field of medicine, psychology, mathematics, logic, physics, music, poetry, zoology. "Canon of Medicine" is his greatest creation. Al-Hasan al-Basri is theorist, psychologist, who preached the selfless love of God. It was his distinguishing feature of Sufi ideology.

The mausoleum of Khaji Makhmud Anjir-Fagnavi is the burial place of the great Sufi spiritual master. He was born near the town of Vabkent. At the beginning of his career, he was a craftsman and carpenter. After completing his apprenticeship, he became the Murshid. Makhmud Indir Fagnavi was the first to pray Zikr loudly, believing that “people asleep must wake up”. He was buried in his native village of Anjirbog.

Hoja Mahmud Anzhir Fagnavy was a famous Sufi of his time. He was engaged in gardening. Fagnavy was the spiritual successor of Sufi tradition. He was an expert at his job carpenter thereby earning his living. There is a beautiful mausoleum not far from the grave, as well as a mosque and a well with holy water. It is very popular place with pilgrims where they can pray.

The mausoleum of Khaji Mukhammad Arif al-Rivgari is the burial place of Murshid Khaji Mukhammad Arif Rivgari. He was born in the village of Revgar in the middle of the XII century. He was a disciple of the great Murshid Abdulkhalik Gijduvani. After the death of the great teacher, he received permission to be a spiritual mentor for others. For the rest of his life, he led his religious activities. He liked to pray Zikr aloud. There is a legend that Khaji Arif lived for 150 years. He was buried in the village of Shafirkan in the Bukhara region.


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